New Product Line

CriusSwag Crafts proudly presents a new product line, just in time for Father’s Day. We now have Iron-On patches that you can order with and without a hat. As always, we do take custom orders, so if you don’t see exactly what you wanted, just contact us,...

Exciting News – New Website Features

CriusSwag Crafts has been working hard on the website. Creating new features to help you browse the website and easily shop. The first feature we would like to announce is the “My Wishlist” feature.  This will allow you to browse the website, click on the...

3D Printed Items

3D printing started around 1982 but has gained popularity recently as the technology of the machines and software improves so that an everyday person can start to enjoy this amazing craft. Even with this ease of use, the 3D printing technology is amazing, to say the...
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Now is the time of year that we all look at the things we have been blessed with in our lives. Many times we are looking to see what all we are thankful for. Here at CriusSwag Crafts, we are thankful for many things but we are most thankful to our customers who have...


It is that time of year where everyone gets buzzing around, making plans for the holiday season. Be kind as we shop this season. All the buzz and hype adds stress to our lives. Please look to support your local businesses because they too are gearing up for the...

Embroidery Shoe Lace Charms

Embroidery Shoe lace charms have been around for sometime, they are perfect for younger children and add some jazz to shoes. The charms are not permanent and can be removed! If work or school wont allow them don’t worry they can be removed. Shoe lace charms are...